Revenue Center 1st Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Paid Amount

SAS Name

The amount paid by the primary payer when the payer is primary to Medicare (Medicare is a secondary).


This field is populated for those claims that are required to process through Outpatient PPS PRICER software. The type of bills (TOB) required to process through are: 12X, 13X, 14X (except Maryland providers, Indian Health Providers, hospitals located in American Samoa, Guam and Saipan and Critical Access Hospitals [CAH]); 76X; 75X and 34X if certain HCPCS are on the bill; and any outpatient type of bill with a condition code '07' and certain HCPCS. These claim types could have lines that are not required to price under OPPS rules so those lines would not have data in this field.

Additional exception: Virgin Island hospitals and hospitals that furnish only inpatient Part B services with dates of service 1/1/02 and forward.

Source: NCH