Medicaid — Fee-for-Service Medical Coverage Indicator — May

SAS Name

This variable is a monthly variable that indicates whether the beneficiary was enrolled in traditional Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS), or whether the beneficiary was enrolled in a comprehensive medical managed care plan.


CCW creates this variable using the DE file. We consider the beneficiary to have FFS Medical coverage If the beneficiary had Medicaid or CHIP enrollment for the month, and the monthly managed care plan type code was not for a comprehensive managed care plan or a health insuring organization (i.e., where MC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_MM not in ('01' '04').

Source: T-MSIS DE file (derived)

Code Code value
0 Not Medicaid FFS during month
1 Medicaid FFS during the month
Null/missing (if no Medicaid enrollment for the month — or if the plan type code was missing)