PDE Prescriber ID Format Code

SAS Name

This variable was created by CCW to describe whether the Prescriber ID on the source PDE (variable called PRSCRBR_ID) was an NPI, DEA, or UPIN format based on the length of the Prescriber ID and the combination of alpha and numeric characters.

This variable was only available 2006 - 2013.


This variable may have ascribed a different format to the prescriber identifier than what was reported in the prescriber id qualifier code (variable called PRSCRBR_ID_QLFYR_CD), which is submitted on the original PDE.

The PDE_PRSCRBR_ID_FRMT_CD was retired after 2013 since it was designed to provide information regarding the type of prescriber identifier that appeared on the PDE, since the CCW was not allowed to release the actual prescriber identifier (PRSCRBR_ID).

Source: PDE (derived)

Code Code value
N PDE Prescriber ID has an NPI format: 10 numeric characters with the first character a '1' or a '2'
D PDE Prescriber ID has a DEA format: 9 alpha-numeric characters with the first two characters alpha and the last seven numeric
U PDE Prescriber ID has a UPIN format: 6 alpha-numeric characters with the first one alpha and the remaining numeric
X PDE Prescriber ID is none of the above formats. PDE Prescriber ID could be a valid State License number, an invalid prescriber identifier, or a missing Prescriber ID