National Drug Code

SAS Name

A code in National Drug Code (NDC) format indicating the drug, device, or medical supply covered by this claim.


The NDC is reported in an 11-digit format, which is divided into three sections. The first five digits indicate the manufacturer or the labeler; the next four digits indicate the ingredient, strength, dosage form and route of administration; and the last two digits indicate the packaging. The FDA assigns the manufacturer portion of the code; the manufacturer supplies the rest.
Position 1-5 are Numeric
Position 6-9 are Alphanumeric
Position 10-11 are Alphanumeric or blank
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website has a searchable NDC Directory:

SOURCE: T-MSIS Analytic File (TAF) Claims

11-digit numeric value, can include leading zeros.
Ex. 00002060440
Code Code value
Null/missing source value is missing or unknown