Claim Ending Date of Service

SAS Name

The date the service covered by this claim ended. For capitation premium payments, the date on which the period of coverage related to this payment ends/ended.


For services involving multiple encounters on different days, or periods of care extending over two or more days, the date on which the service covered by this claim ended.

The Service End Date (SRVC_END_DT) is a key partitioning field for the CCW data files. To be included in a RIF, each claim must have a SRVC_END_DT, therefore this value is never missing. If this date is missing from the source files, we derive the value. We include a variable (called the service end date code - SRVC_END_DT_CD) to identify when and how the date was imputed.

SOURCE:  T-MSIS Analytic File (TAF) Claims