Acute Inpatient Hospital Primary Payer Amount

SAS Name

This variable indicates the total amount paid for acute inpatient hospital stays by a primary payer other than Medicare. It is the sum of all the primary payer amounts (NCH_PRMRY_PYR_CLM_PD_AMT from each claim) in the acute inpatient hospital setting for the year.


This variable was new in 2010; it will always be null/missing in earlier files.

Acute inpatient claims are a subset of the claims in the IP data file consisting of data from both acute hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAH). These facilities are those where either the 3rd digit of the provider number (SAS variable PRVDR_NUM) = 0 or the 3rd and 4th digits of PRVDR_NUM = 13.

There are 2 cost/use categories from the IP data files: Acute and the OIP.

Medicare payments are described in detail in a series of Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) documents called “Payment Basics” (see:

Also in the Medicare Learning Network (MLN) “Payment System Fact Sheet Series” (see the list of MLN publications at: Publications.html)

Source: CCW (derived)