Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Payments

SAS Name

This variable is the total Medicare payments for part B durable medical equipment (DME) for a given year. Claims for DME are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier and DME data files.

These claims are defined as those with a line BETOS code (BETOS_CD) where the first three digits are 'D1A', 'D1B', 'D1C', 'D1D', 'D1E', or 'D1F'. The total Medicare payments are calculated as the sum of LINE_NCH_PMT_AMT where the LINE_PRCSG_IND_CD was ('A','R', or 'S') - for all relevant lines.


There are 11 cost/use categories from the Carrier Part B and DME data files – the ASC, Anesthesia, Part B Drug, Physician, E & M, dialysis, imaging, tests, other procedures, DME and other carrier claims.

Source: CCW (derived)