Pharmacy Indicator Code

SAS Name

The code indicating whether or not the beneficiary received drugs during the stay. It also specifies the type of drugs.


This field is derived by checking for the presence of drug-specific revenue center codes (025x, 026x, and 063x) on any of the claim records included in the stay.

Source: MedPAR (derived)

Code Code value
0 No drugs (revenue code other than those listed below)
1 General drugs and/pr IV therapy (revenue code 025x, 026x)
2 Erythropoietin (epoetin: revenue code 0630, 0635, 0637, 0639)
3 Blood clotting drugs (revenue code 0636)
4 General drugs and/or IV therapy; and epoetin (combination of values 1 and 2)
5 General drugs and/or IV therapy; and blood clotting drugs (combination of values 1 and 3)